Assumptions ranging from the «Chinese hospitality» to the«Yellow threat»: covering«The Chinese matter» by Siberian newspapers over the second half of XIX century

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The Russian population at all times manifested their concern in the neighboring state entities wondering about their political system, society’ organization, cultural traditions. Of course, China being one of the closest and largest countries neighboring Russia to the East could not have remained for long beyond the Russian scope of interest and, in particular, for the Siberian public. The author of the paper determined to examine in this paper China and the Chinese population and give a description of the images made upon the publications of the Siberian print media, as well as to reveal and explore preconditions back in history having entailed emersion of the Russian-made "Chinese matter" in the second half of XIX century.


Siberia, история xix века, history of the xix century, chinese people, print media

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