Long-term results of aortic valve replacement with «Kemerovo-AB-Mono», «Kemerovo-AB-Composite» and «Kemerovo-AB-NEO» stentless bioprosthetic valves

Автор: Karaskov A.M., Astapov D.A., Semenova E.I., Isayan M.V., Open A.B., Demidov D.P.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Приобретенные пороки сердца

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.15, 2011 года.

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The long-term follow-up results in 106 patients who underwent surgery in 1999-2011 (86% of all the implantations) are analyzed.Ten-year survival rates were as follows: 75±15% in the"Kemerovo-AB-Mono"group, 89±5% in the «Kemerovo-AB-Composite» one and 100 % (6 years of follow-up) in the "Kemerovo-AB-Neo"group. By the 10th year of follow-up the freedom from structural dysfunction in patients under 45 years old was 11 ±10%, in patients of 45-59 years old - 48±15% and in those over 60 it accounted for 67±27%. The freedom from prosthesis dysfunction and explantation was 100% by the 6th year of follow-up. A statistically significant pressure gradient decrease from 19.5±7 to 16±5 mm Hg was observed in Kemerovo-AB-Neo»prosthesis.Thus, epoxy-treated stentless bioprostheses show fine clinical and hemodynamic results for aortic valve replacement in the elderly. The improvements in the «Kemerovo-AB-Neo» prosthesis design allowed decreasing the risks of adverse events and achieving significant pressure gradient reduction during long-term follow-up.


Aortic defect, heart valve bioprosthesis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142140436

IDR: 142140436

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