Some opportunities for obtaining and using data on crypto-currency operations during disclosure and investigation of crimes

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Introduction: widespread use of cryptocurrency calculations by persons involved in the commission of crimes, including in the sphere of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, requires the development of potential possibilities of using data on financial transactions in detection and investigation of crimes. Materials and methods: certain provisions of criminalistics, special equipment, criminal procedure, operational-search activity, examples of law enforcement activities have been studied, a set of general and private scientific research methods were used to determine the possibilities of obtaining information on cryptocurrency calculations and their use in the detection and investigation of crimes . Results: the authors concluded that in order to detect and investigate crimes, the proposed potential for identifying vulnerabilities and deanonymizing the owners of e-wallets used in operations with cryptocurrency can be developed. Summary and conclusions: the directions of using information related to the execution of cryptocurrency calculations for the purpose of disclosing and investigating crimes have been proposed...


Internet, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, disclosure and investigation of crimes

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143168229   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2019-00021

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