Attitude of youth to the service in the army

Автор: Belugusheva A.

Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka

Статья в выпуске: 5 (9), 2017 года.

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In this article the problem concerning the relations of youth to military service is considered. We must learn that modern youth thinks about the army, what needs to be done to improve the conditions in the army, and also to improve the efficiency of employees. In modern conditions of life, young people are more often faced with such a "problem" as the passage of service in the army. I called this a problem not by accident, because every fifth soldier really believes that enlisting in the army is a problem. So let's find out why the attitude of young people to the army has changed, what is the reason for this, and whether this situation can be solved.


Military service, reasoning, armed forces

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