Responsiveness of spring wheat to agrotechnology techniques during formation in sowing the density of standing plants

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The successful cultivation of spring soft wheat in all grain-bearing regions is facilitated by compliance with all the constituent elements of agricultural technology and the introduction of the most productive and economically profitable techniques into this process. Research on this issue was conducted in 2020-2022 in the Priobskaya zone of the Altai Territory. In the experiment, high rates of field germination and plant safety for harvesting were obtained in variants with shallow and deep plowing. The percentage of preserved plants for harvesting on average over the years of the study ranged from 89.3% in the variant without tillage, with the use of fertilizers to 99.1% in the variant with deep tillage and the use of fertilizers and plant protection products.


Spring wheat, variant, tillage, fertilizers, field germination, plant safety for harvesting, survival

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203357   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-97-99

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