Parameters of life and death in Karelian local parish community: Yalguba area in context of XIX century archival quantitative documentary sources

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In this second part of the article (the first part was published in the previous issue of the journal) the author’s attention is focused on the analysis of archival historical documentary sources of parish origin: metric books. The task is to recreate a picture of the parish inhabitants’ life expectancy through such parameters as birth rate and mortality characteristics. Two questions are under consideration: what the main death causes were and what the general spectrum of diseases during the two comparatively searched periods of parish community demographical development was.

Xixth century, metric books, life expectancy, spectrum of illnesses, gender ratio of deceased, church parish community, historical demography

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IDR: 14750259

Список литературы Parameters of life and death in Karelian local parish community: Yalguba area in context of XIX century archival quantitative documentary sources

  • Metricheskie Knigi (Metric books) of the church of St. Nicholas in Yalguba parish from 1847-1862, 1885, 1887, 1893, 1898, 1899, 1901-1905//National Archive of the Republic of Karelia (NARK). Fond (collection, hereinafter referred to as ‘F.’) 25. Opis’ (cataloque, hereinafter referred to as ‘Op.’) 22. Delo (volume, hereinafter referred to as ‘D.’) 135, 141, 146, 150, 158, 364, 378, 425, 468, 482, 492, 500, 515, 518, 527.
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