Parasitoses in the horses in the conditions of Tyumen region

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Today, one of the serious problems affecting horse breeding is connected with parasites that negatively affect the body. The fatness of a sick horse, working capacity goes down, growth and development of foals is delayed, there are periodic disorders of activity of intestines, breeding qualities decrease, have harmful impact on the organism - mechanical, antigene, toxic, trophic and innoculatory, due to the absorption of nutrients, i.e. vitamins, hormones, minerals, macrocells and also, are capable to cause avitaminosis, allergies, violations of exchange processes in bodies and tissues. Bleeding wounds, severe itching, anemic mucous membranes, weakness, limp, colic are formed, and in neglected cases, animals die. The purpose of the research was to study the distribution and species composition of parasites of disturbing horses in the farms of Tyumen Region. 2294 heads of the horses, horse breeding farms of the Tyumen, Nizhnetavdinsky and Yalutorovsky districts of Tyumen Region were investigated. The study was conducted in accordance with methodological guidelines for laboratory research in veterinary medicine for parasitic and invasive diseases. It was established that in the studied farms of the regions, the parasites of the Cestoda class were identified in the horses - 0.9 %, a high level of invasion of the livestock by the Nematoda class, pathogens of oxyurosis, parascaridosis, strongilatosis was noted, on average the indicator was 12.4 %. The pathogens of hematopinosis, gastrophyllosis, hypodermatosis, pseudosarcoptosis, psoroptosis, chorioptosis, sarcoptosis, simuliotoxicosis, pyrolasmosis were noted, parasitization made 5.6 %. According to the obtained data, it can be concluded that against the background of the identified parasites in horses, they become more vulnerable to the development of other pathogens of bacterial, viral, mycotic origin, and as a result, diseases mix and aggravation of their current results.


Horses, parasites, helminthes, mites, mosquitoes, ovine, nematode, insects, invasions, tyumen region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256882   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-2-112-117

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