Pathomorphological changes of kidneys in cats

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Pathomorphological picture of kidney changes in cats of various breeds and age groups was studied with the establishment of pathognomonic morphological characters. The objects of the study were 124 corpses of cats aged from 3 months to 16 years (the sex of animals - 61 females, 63 males), of which 5 corpses were Maine Coon, 21 were Persian, 32 were British, 7 were Scottish fold, 59 - mestizos. The death of 74 animals occurred as a result of ephtanasia, in 50 animals pathological nonviolent death was observed. The infection was excluded in all the cases by intravital laboratory tests. During the autopsy, the material was taken for histological examination - the fragments of kidney tissue. Pathological material was fixed in 10 % neutral formalin solution; the sections were made on Tekhnom MZP-01 microtome, stained with Ehrlich hematoxylin. Microphotography and microphotos analysis were performed by a Canon EOS 1100D camera. The results of pathomorpho-logical study of the kidneys showed that pathological changes in the kidneys of different nature were detected in 92...


Urinary system, pathological changes, nephritis, glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, nephrosclerosis, polycystic, domestic cat

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140245605   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-68-77

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