Pavement Crack Detection Using Spectral Clustering Method

Автор: Jin Huazhong, Ye Zhiwei, Su Jun

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.7, 2015 года.

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Pavement crack detection plays an important role in pavement maintaining and management, nowadays, which could be performed through remote image analysis. Thus, edges of pavement crack should be extracted in advance; in general, traditional edge detection methods don’t consider phase information and the spatial relationship between the adjacent image areas to extract the edges. To overcome the deficiency of the traditional approaches, this paper proposes a pavement crack detection algorithm based on spectral clustering method. Firstly, a measure of similarity between pairs of pixels is taken into account through orientation energy. Then, spatial relationship is needed to find regions where similarity between pixels in a given region is high and similarity between pixels in different regions is low. After that, crack edge detection is completed with spectral clustering method. The presented method has been run on some real life images of pavement crack, experimental results display that the crack detection method of this paper could obtain ideal result.


Crack detection, Spectral clustering, Phase information, Spatial relations, Oriented energy model

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IDR: 15013529

Список литературы Pavement Crack Detection Using Spectral Clustering Method

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