Teachers in texts of the past in Russian language: analysis of big data in Google Books Ngram Viewer and related competencies

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The article demonstrates examples of using Google Books Ngram Viewer big text data analysis tool to identify the characteristics of teachers and demonstrate the frequency of mentions of famous teachers in the corpus of Russian literature for the period 1850-2019. The 10 most frequent phrases “adjective + noun” for the nouns “pedagogue”, “teacher”, “educator” are shown, as well as examples of further application of the found phrases to identify the most mentioned pedagogues in the identified micro-contexts. Examples of queries in Google Books Ngram Viewer are shown, the ability to display the frequency of mentions both for all found results and for individual queries, the ability to analyze the obtained data in a historical context, and the main relevant competencies for the effective use of the Google Books Ngram Viewer big text data tool are considered.



Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140303735

IDR: 140303735

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