Landscape variation in the poetry of M.V. Lomonosov

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Lomonosov is known to most of us as a scientist-polymath: a chemist and a physicist, an astronomer, a geographer, but few know him as a poet. The main theme of the works of M.V. Lomonosov - the theme of the Motherland, of Russia; but few were able to notice how he artistically embodies how he uses allegory, peri-phrases, epithets and hyperbole. V.G. Belinsky wrote: "If someone printed in the papers that they planted a seed in the ground from a rose Apple not a stalk, but directly to Apple, all would laugh about this, as at the absurdity of that if it was printed. But when he wrote and printed that thirty years after the first ode University ("On the capture of Khotin") appeared in Russia a poet, one will combine and Pindar, and Horace, and Anacreon, and prevt-marching all of them, separately and together on it and now do not laugh, as over neleposti..." [2]. So, in this article we will look at pertobras on the example of the Lomonosov transfer infinity-descriptive odes Fenelon, "didactic messages" [3] ("Letter on the usefulness of glass...") and spiritual odes ("the Application of the Psalms").


Landscape, composition, genre, space, time, poetics, style, allegory, a poetic sensation, analysis, synthesis

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