Rethinking journalism education in the context of visual thinking

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Purpose. The review substantiates the need for visual literacy and training students in recognizing fake photos or videos, as well as enhancing students’ critical thinking. The analytical review examines the problems of media education related to the advanced development of digital tools for creating images and the growing visualization of the information space that changes journalistic practices and professional consciousness. Results. After a number of expert interviews with lecturers of journalism departments, the author comes to understand the gap between the requirements of media practice and the response to these requests from educational centers. Due to the conservatism of the university environment and the dominance of the faculties of journalism of the philological school with its logo-centrism, data visualization is still perceived as a tribute to popular culture, something secondary and optional in relation to the text. Even employees of the best editorial offices in the world recognize the lack of experts and managers for visualization and infographics. Conclusion. The conclusion is made about the possibility of a “visual coup” in the modernized educational programs in with a clear interest in this media corporations and government customers.


Journalism, media education, visualization, visual literacy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147220138   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-6-9-17

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