Digestibility and utilization of nutrients when fed ducklings probiotics

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The article presents the results of the use of probiotics “Vitafortˮ and “Lactobifadolˮ in the diets of ducks with daily up to 42 days of age. Live weight, the absolute and average daily gain of broiler ducks second and third experimental group was significantly increased by the end of the six-week growing period, respectively, by 5.0 and 5.2%, feed rate during this period decreased by 8.8 and 8.2% compared with the first control group. In the second and third experimental group showed a significant increase in the digestibility of protein and nitrogen-free extractives on 2.2-2.6 and 4.3-4.9 abs.%, respectively, compared to the intact group ducklings. Ducklings experimental group had better scores on pre-slaughter weight - by 6.1% and 5.9%, weight eviscerated carcass - by 16.4% and 16.1%, the output of eviscerated carcasses - 5.5 and 5.4 abs.%, the output of the muscles - by 24.7% and 26.3%, the output of the chest muscles - by 35.8% and 34.6%. In samples of the pectoral muscle ducklings treated with probiotics “Vitafortˮ and “Lactobifadolˮ, noted the increased protein content, respectively, 1.6 and 1.3 abs.% аnd a reduced amount of fat and 1.0 to 0.8 abs.%. The results of large-scale production tests showed that the use of probiotics “Vitafortˮ at a dose of 0.5 ml (107 CFU/g) per 1 kg of body weight allowed to reach profitability level of 18.3% and probiotics “Lactobifadolˮ at a dose of 0,2 g/kg body weight - up to 20.6%, against 15.5% in the traditional growing techniques.


Ducklings, probiotics, vitafort, lactobifadol, live weight, average daily gain, blood, digestibility, economic efficiency

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142199342

IDR: 142199342

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