The digestibility and digestion of feed nutrients in replacement chickens under the influence of complex mineral additive

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The purpose of the research was studying the digestibility and nutrition absorption of feed mixture by repair young growth of hens under the influence of feeding different dosages of complex mineral ToksiNon feed additive. Scientific and economic experiment was made in JSC ‘Bogotolsky Poultry Farm’ of Bogotolsky area, Krasnoyarsk Region on repair young growth of hens of Highsex Brown cross. Five groups of young growth (control and four experimental) at the age of 10 weeks up to 70 heads in each were created. The duration of the experiment made 70 days. According to the scheme of the experiment, control group of the poultry was fed with the main diet, to the 1-st experimental group in addition to the main diet ToksiNon feed additive in a dosage of 0.05 % of the mass of feed mixture was fed; the 2-nd - 0.15; the 3-rd - 0.25; to the 4-th experimental group - 0.35 %. The researches and data processing were carried out by the standard techniques. As a result of the researches it was established that feeding with ToksiNon feed additive positively affected the repair young growth of hens’ digestibility and digestion of nutrients feed mixture, however, most effectively nutrients were digested and acquired when feeding feed additive in a dosage of 0...


Replacement chickens, digestibility of nutrients, feed additive, "toksinon", feeding, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus

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IDR: 140248914   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-3-118-124

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