Translation as intertextual formation

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The paper analyzes translated text as intertext, in which translation units are equal to intertextual units. Translation and intertextual units are regarded as elements of the prototypical category, structure of which is predetermined by the secondary discursive status of the types of text under study. According to the subject matter, among various translation units associated with different language levels we have chosen a sentence of translated text to be an object of categorization. The sentence is regarded as a citation from a prior text, which is a source text. The common criterion categorizing both units of translation and citations, which has impact on the whole text, is reproduction accuracy against the occurring transformations, or equivalence in terms of translation theory. This criterion allowed for determining core and peripheral class members within the prototypical category of the observed units depending on the degree and nature of the interlingual transformations. As a result, we have analyzed the reproduction accuracy of the whole translated text as a complex citation of the source text or, in other words, prior text.


Translation, intertext, translation units, intertextual units, prototypical category

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14729346

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