Performance Analysis of Non-Linear Equalizer in MIMO System for Vehicular Channel

Автор: Vikash Kumar Tiwary, Subham Agarwal, Samarendra Nath Sur

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 11 vol.5, 2013 года.

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All wireless technologies face the challenges of multipath signal fading, attenuation delay and phase delay which led to the interference between users and there is the possibility of limited spectrum. Linear and Non-Linear receiver is used to combat the effect of multipath signal fading and delay. The linear receiver gives best result in case of static environment but in case of dynamic environmental condition it fails to give better results and hence in order to improve the system performance non-linear receiver is used in dynamic environment condition. As a dynamic channel, Vehicular Channel model is considered because there is growing interest in vehicular networking and it is also a challenging channel model because of the complexity of the environment, and rapid variation in channel conditions. This paper studies the comparison between Zero Forcing (ZF) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) receiver in the Vehicular Channel. A comparative study between linear equalizer and non-linear equalizer in the Vehicular Channel is done and analyze the effect of the varying modulation and antenna configuration on the performance.


MIMO, zero forcing, minimum mean squared error, Vehicular channel model, Linear equalizer, Non-linear equalizer, V-BLAST

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15013107

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