Perm traditions of Walter Scott studies in the international context (thoughts inspired by the XI International conference in Sorbonne)

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Some essential traditions of studies in Walter Scott’s life and works which are formed at Perm State University are shown. The role of Professor Alexandre Belskiy in the emergence of these traditions is stressed. The author of the essay deals with several core principles that have been characteristic for Perm specialists on Scott since early 1960s. The author stresses some peculiar for the Perm school of Scott studies approaches to his historical and social novels and stories, to the very category of historicism, emerged and developed due to Scott works, to his role and place in the world literary process, in English and Scottish literatures. The essay shows that peculiarities of the Perm Scott studies on the one hand were demonstrated in full at the XI Scott Conference in July 2018 in Sorbonne IV, Paris. On the other, the author, while analyzing and giving comments of the papers, read at the conference by academics from many countries of Europe, America and Asia, shows that these Perm traditions though having their peculiarities nevertheless are very well congruent to the World Scottiana, which exists through a great variety of themes, topics, approaches, research accents.


Sir walter scott, historical novel, historicism, scotland, scottish literature, world literary process

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