Promising forms of winter garlic for the conditions of Western Siberia

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Winter garlic is one of the most sought-after representatives of the Onion family. Garlic products are in demand by people all year round. Garlic products are used, due to its chemical composition, in many sectors of the national economy - it is the food industry, processing, medicine, etc. An increase in the production of garlic products is necessary in providing the country's population with domestic vegetable food products. This requires varieties and new technologies. Our results made it possible to identify samples K 33 and K 71 as adapted to growing conditions, they have a high productive potential and will be used in further work on the creation of new varieties of winter garlic.


Winter garlic, yield, hardiness, sample, bulb, allicin, selenium

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203187   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-2-95-97

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