Prospects and risks creation of free economic zone on the territory of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

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Ten years after the downfall of the terrorist group "the Taliban" (which was partially removed from power), the Afghan economy has grown steadily. The Afghan economy grew up by about 10% per annum, it is one of the highest rates of growth in the world. According to the World Bank, the prospects for economic growth in the country in 2016/17 are again positive, with the expected GDP growth at 8.5-9.0 percent, and inflation by about 5 percent has gone down. However, despite this, Afghanistan still remains one of the poorest countries in the world. While assistance from the international community, in particular the United States, has become an important growth factor, much of the economic growth was the result of Afghanistan's acceptance of a "market economy." The government continues to pursue policies that encourage further investment. One of such economically useful projects is FEZ. The goals of creating FEZs are economic (the growth of investment and foreign exchange earnings, the increase in exports, economic (entrepreneurial, industrial and commercial) activities), social (development and support of backward regions, job creation, increase in living standards of the local population) and scientific and technical (new Technology, research, infrastructure development).


Afghanistan, free economic zone, investment risk

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