Prospects for the application of artificial intelligence in the conditions of the digital economy

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The article deals with topical issues of using Artificial Intelligence in the course of digital transformation in the Russian Federation. During the study, it was established that artificial intelligence is such a scientific field that includes a variety of methods, technologies, techniques and tools that allow you to create intellectual systems that function and act like a person. Artificial intelligence technologies are constantly evolving and have a further perspective of application in various fields of activity. The author widely presents the results of research by Russian specialists using artificial intelligence. The analysis of the experience of developing artificial intelligence technologies in China was carried out. It has been established that today AI tools are actively used in various fields of human activity. The leaders in the implementation of artificial intelligence systems in Russia today are banking structures, industrial enterprises, and telecommunications companies. Promising areas of application of Artificial Intelligence in Russia are logistics and capital construction, where, thanks to AI, it is possible to significantly reduce current costs, optimize inventories, regulate supplies, etc. In Russia, when introducing artificial intelligence technologies, it is important to proceed from the analysis of successful foreign experience, primarily China, which is one of the world leaders in the use of artificial intelligence and shows significant dynamics in the development of various artificial intelligence systems.


Digital economy, artificial intelligence, technology, china, dynamics

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129526   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2023_4.1_129_133

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