Development prospects for pasta industry enterprises as part of agricultural industrial cluster of the Republic of Crimea

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The object of the research is the Crimean pasta market. The subject is the strategic prerequisites and trends causing the appearance of self-sufficiency within the State program for agriculture development and regulation of the Crimean agricultural products, raw materials, and food markets. The research hypothesis is connected with the expansion prospects justification in the republican food market of the pasta segment of regional trademarks. The expediency of formation and the prospect of pasta production development in the Crimean Agro-industrial Biotechnological Cluster are studied. The environment of the Crimean pasta market is analyzed. The orientation of the republican market toward imported products is established. The influence of external and internal factors on the development of the industry is studied. A score assessment of the impact of external factors on the development of the market under analysis is carried out. Also the weaknesses of the industry are defined. The insufficient investment attractiveness of the region, the lack of subsidies for the support of local producers, and obsolescence of material and technical resources in manufacturing enterprises are shown. The low price of Crimean products is justified. Threats, including the competition, are revealed. Measures for leveling the negative impact and developing in a positive development scenario are offered. The possibility of the development of the industry is connected with growing consumer demand and the reduction of imports. The reasons for the stagnation of Crimean productions are proven. The role of investment projects is shown. Progressive development of the industry provides updating, specialization, and differentiation of the product range made by enterprises. The introduction of a technological platform mechanism in the region’s agro-industrial complex allows for the improvement of enterprise technical facilities. The prospects of the development of the Crimean pasta industry within the structure of the agrotechnological park are proven.


Food, pasta, agro-industrial cluster, agrotechnological park, production of pasta, producers of pasta, pasta market, environment of regional pasta market

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145184   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.1.15

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