Prospects for the development of the system of bending pipelines of 3D configuration in production

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The paper presents a general description of the production process of pipelines of complex configuration (TSC). Narrow directions and specializations that take a significant part in the manufacture of spatial piping systems (PTS) and fundamental technologies in this process are described on a multilateral basis. The object of the description is a base module of the upper stage (BMRB), which has both a civilian purpose - output of the payload by missiles carry- ing medium and heavy classes to a geostationary orbit, trajectories, and a special purpose. The subject of the descrip- tion is a methodology of the pipeline bending process. The article is divided into introduction, four sections describing this process and conclusion. The beginning of the article provides a rationale for the relevance of the topic under con- sideration, the strategic importance of the industry and the goal. The state need for BMRB for heavy launch vehicle “Angara-A5” for the next decade is determined. The functional assignments of the BMRB pipelines and the influence of the operating parameters of the components in the pipelines on their dimensions and material are described. The proc- ess of preparing the production technology of the pipeline is divided into nine stages: the receipt and study of design documentation (CD) in the form of 2D drawings with technical requirements and dimensions; design modeling of a part in a 3D model; definition of equipment manufacturing parts; technological preparation of the pipeline for bending; the operation of the direct manufacture of the preliminary product - the standard; measurement of the size of the resulting standard; analysis and solution of the possibility of further use of the standard; adjustment of the program of a flexible machine with numerical control (CNC) through the correction factors; assembly of the pipeline as part of a complex pipeline using a pneumatic-hydraulic scheme (CBC) with a directive technology approval. An algorithm for construct- ing a pipeline model is described; it is divided into nine main stages. Then a general description of the software module for a CNC machine and flexible pipelines are given. An international standard governing the development of a software module for CNC machines with a brief description of the sequence of preparatory and auxiliary commands is consid- ered. A block diagram of creating a control program for a pipe bending machine is shown. In conclusion, the promising directions of the development of the technology of flexible TSK are shown, in particular through the introduction of new equipment into production: universal technological interception of pipe bending; special bending head with induction function, as well as through the creation of a universal process technology of flexible TSK allowing not to resort to the creation of new technological processes for pipelines of different diameters, lengths, materials and taking into account the features of the machine.


Flexible pipelines of complex configuration, spatial piping systems, base module of the upper stage, pipe- lines bending methodology, design documentation, computer numerical control machine, pneumatic-hydraulic scheme, control program for a pipe bending machine, universal technological interception of pipe bending, special bending head with induction function


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148321887   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2018-19-4-703-715

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