Prospects for the development of charger-discharge devices of spacecraft power supply systems

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Power supply system (PSS) is designed to ensure uninterrupted autonomous power supply of on-board equipment in all modes and at all stages during the active life of spacecraft. Lots of PSS makes up a significant proportion of the mass spacecraft and improvement of specific energy characteristics PSS this leads to a synergistic effect when the mass and energy consumption resources available for the payload are simultaneously increased, which increases efficiency of spacecraft generally. The article considers the evolution of structural and circuit solutions for PSS spacecraft, its energy- converting equipment and the effect of these changes on energy-mass characteristics PSS. It is shown that a significant effect on energy and mass characteristics PSS provide structural and circuit design solutions for charger and discharge devices of energy-converting equipment and the choice of voltage value accumulator batteries (AB). The development of the element base, the creation of programmable digital devices capable of functioning under the influence of space factors and the emergence of new circuit design and management solutions for pulse converters that have occurred in the last decade opens up new opportunities for improvement of the PSS of spacecraft. In the article as a charger and discharge device PSS reviewed pulse voltage converter (PVC) with a new modulation strategy, with the ability to reverse the flow of energy and the ability to work in a step-up mode with high efficiency. Its application as a single charger-discharge device (CDD) allows for a significant improvement in performance CDD and PSS in general, such as efficiency, energy mass, reliability and a number of others. Ability PVC to reverse the flow of energy and the possibility of working in a step-up mode opens up the possibility to abandon the use of AB with a voltage lower than the voltage at the main output PSS and switch to using AB with an average discharge voltage close to the voltage at the main output PSS. Such a structural and circuit design solution CDD and AB will allow you to increase efficiency of CDD up to 99 % and additionally improve energy and mass characteristics PSS.


Power supply system, accumulator batteries, pulse voltage converter, charger-discharge device

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328305   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-1-115-125

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