Primary-multiple cancer of transitional epithelium: diagnostics and peculiarities of the disease

Автор: Teplov A.A., Gritskevich A.A., Stepanova Y.A., Miroshkina I.V., Pyanikin S.S., Dunaev S.A., Arevin A.G., Morozova M.V.

Журнал: Экспериментальная и клиническая урология @ecuro

Рубрика: Онкоурология

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2018 года.

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Urothelium is a highly specific epithelial membrane of the urinary tract that covers the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra. Malignant transformation of urothelium leads to the development of urothelial carcinoma. Urothelial cancer ranks 4th in the prevalence of malignant tumors after prostate cancer (or breast), lung and colorectal cancer. This type of tumor can occur in the lower urinary tract (bladder or urethra), and in the upper (Cup-pelvic system of the kidney or ureter). Bladder cancer is 90-95% of all cases of urothelial cancer. Urothelial cancer of the upper urinary tract is quite rare and accounts for 5-10% of all cases of urothelial cancer. The similarities of these tumors can be used in their diagnosis of the same research methods. And the differences make it necessary to consider separately the methods of treatment and prognosis of the disease [18]. We present a rare clinical case of diagnosis and treatment for 4 years of metachronous urothelial bladder cancer and both ureters...


Urothelial cancer, primary multiple cancer, upper urinary tract, diagnosis, treatment

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IDR: 142216903

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