Petrology of granites of the Kozhim massif (Subpolar Urals)

Автор: Denisova Yu.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 3 (69), 2024 года.

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The paper presents the study results on granites of the Kozhim massif (the Subpolar Urals). The joint Kozhim massif earlier included the Kuzpuayu granite body. It lies to the north of the Kozhim massif. For this reason, many previously obtained conclusions were summarizing. The detailed study on rocks that included analyses of cuts, accessory and ore mineralization, petrogenic and rare elements was conducted in the Geoscience subdivision at the Institute of Geology, Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This study helped to clarify and supplement the information about the granitogenesis of the considered massif. According to the obtained data, the granites under study are high-potassium high-alumina leucogranites of normal and moderate alkalinity with high content of orthoclase and the presence of plagioclase of two generations. The rocks were formed under intraplate and post-collision geodynamic conditions from crustal parent melts enriched with lanthanum and cerium. These melts are characterized by the dependence of potassium and titanium concentrations on changes in silica content.


Granite, petrochemistry, geodynamic conditions of formation, kozhim massif, subpolar urals

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145620   |   DOI: 10.19110/1994-5655-2024-3-18-26

Статья научная