Letters of American soldiers of the second world war: the image of the Japanese enemy
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Annotation The article examines the letters of American soldiers during the Second World War. The image of the enemy (primarily the Japanese) is analyzed, as well as the attitude of soldiers towards the use of atomic weapons. The main difference, which can be traced in the letters, is a description of the methods of actions of the Japanese: the soldiers who fought in the Pacific sharply criticize the enemy and write about his atrocities. Those who did not interact directly with the enemy, refer to the Japanese soldiers are relatively neutral. They don't distinguish the Japanese from the Germans or Italians. The use of an atomic bomb in the assessment of American soldiers is not unambiguous. On the one hand, they understand that the consequences of nuclear weapons are destructive and terrible, and on the other, justify its use, as it leads to the end of the war and a quick return home.
Letters, world war ii, american soldiers, enemy image, war anthropology
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140281720
IDR: 140281720