The chart of accounts of management accounting and the principles of its use
Автор: Grishina D.A.
Журнал: Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика @economyandbusiness
Статья в выпуске: 9-1 (115), 2024 года.
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This article discusses the theoretical aspects of the composition of Russian management accounting, as well as the stages of its development and implementation at domestic enterprises. The features of the development of a management chart of accounts are studied, as well as Russian and foreign methodologies for its use are presented. The advantages of using a management chart of accounts in the framework of management accounting in commercial organizations are identified and formulated.
Management accounting, accounting, management accounting system, chart of accounts, management chart of accounts
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170206777 | DOI: 10.24412/2411-0450-2024-9-1-56-59