The spatial analysis of the dwellings of Malyshevo culture

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Purpose. The sites of Malyshevo culture are located from the lower part of the Ussuri River and almost on all valley of the Low Amur and in its vicinities. For the southwest territory (Sheremetyevo, Kazakevichevo, Amursky Sanatory, Petropavlovka, Malyshevo, Gasya, etc.) the early complexes of stone stock, pottery dated on radio carbon 7950 ± 80 BP are peculiar. For northeast group of the sites of culture (the dwellings of Suchu Island) were received radio-carbon dates are in chronological range 6070 ± 90 - 4470 ± 100 BP. Now the Malyshevo culture can be referred to a late stage of the early period of the Neolithic and its average period. In the Low Amur region the cultures was defined as the earliest. The aim of the investigation is to make use-wear analysis of the used tool kits and spatial reconstruction of the dwelling. Results. Experimental use-wear analysis of artifacts of a collection showed that the structure of tools found within an excavation of the dwelling is rather monotonous. Distribution of the used tools on the area of an excavation is non-uniform. If in the dwelling the utilized tools are disseminated rather evenly, out of the dwelling it is possible to note three congestions from its East, South and southwest side. And on the southern site concentration of tools is per unit area especially great. Almost finds in the center of the dwelling, in a focal zone don’t meet. Tools for processing of meat are found in congestions out of the dwelling on southwest, southern and east side. The tools for work with a tree are represented in the studied collection of finds variously: adzes, hard scrapers, planing knives, chisels and even drills. The general share of these tools in the general structure of tools is rather great and the plan of the dwelling is sated with marks of finds. The analysis of distribution of tools allowed allocating distinctly localized congestion in northeast sector of the dwelling for squares of an excavation and three platforms out of it. In a focal zone of any active use of tools by inhabitants of the dwelling it isn’t traced. Rather closer to fire there was a processing of a tree, meat knives are found always at considerable distance from the center. Each of functional zones has distinct borders and is separated from next by «empty zones» where traces of any activity it isn’t observed. In a focal zone of the dwelling of finds tools aren’t present. It should be noted existence of the specialized «production zone» in northeast sector, an extensive zone of use of meat knives in the southern part of the dwelling and functionally similar localized site in northwest sector. Conclusion. In general the organization of space of dwelling of the studied early Neolithic dwellings can be characterized as rational. The place and the size of the centers are optimum in relation to the volume and the area of an inhabited construction. Elements of division of space of dwelling on certain zones and sectors can be considered as the beginning of the tradition which gained further developments during Holocene era during the subsequent change of archaeological cultures and development of a specific paleo-economy of inhabitants of the region.


Neolithic dwellings, russian far east, use-wear and spatial analysis

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IDR: 147219303

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