Plasman proizvoda na tržište u odnosu na njegove karakteristike i kvalitet

Автор: Aleksandra Adžić

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 3-4 vol.2, 2007 года.

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Product is a starting point and target of every production, but also of many other human activities. To create a product we must have an idea about its future appearance, its features and its function. However, the leading role have consumers, as it is them who finally decide to purchase a product made by a specific manufacturer, on the basis of their personal evaluation of the product. For this reason, producers attempt to achieve the best possible product placement on the market, to attract as many consumers as possible, and to eliminate the competition. Design, brand, style, fashion and packaging are of great importance for conquering the market. Of course, beside these, quality of the product is equally as essential to satisfy the customers.


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IDR: 170204311

Список литературы Plasman proizvoda na tržište u odnosu na njegove karakteristike i kvalitet

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