The density of passing the competition track in sports climbing

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The finding of the ways to evaluate the emulative efficiency in sports climbing requires the investigation of regularity of the emulative process. On the basis of the many years of researches was determined the number of factors which influenced on result within the passing of emulative track. One of these factors is the density of performance. Over the many years of researches were investigated the performances of the sportswomen with the high level of training on international competitions in climbing discipline “difficulty” ( п = 1639). It was determined that the highest possible values of density of climbing (up to 100%) are very rare. These values occur in two cases: when the sportswoman with the low level of training passes the difficult track, and when the well-qualified sportswoman passes the easiest track. The concentration of maximum and similar to them figures of density is observed in the area of the low and medium values of sports result, and it reduced in the final stage of performance...


Sports climbing, competitions, density of climbing, competition process

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