Approaches to risk groups forming for the occupational related cardiovascular diseases in oil refineries workers

Автор: Zaitseva Nina Vladimirovna, Vlasova Elena Mikhailovna, Ustinova Olga Yurievna, Nosov Alexander Evgenievich

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Экология

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2018 года.

Бесплатный доступ

We have conducted a deep examination of 30 workers occupied in petroleum refining industry sector, whose mean age - 42.9±6.0 years, average experience - 21.06±4.8 years. The comparison group consisted of 47 workers, carrying out work in favourable conditions without exposure to chemical and physical production factors (mean age - 38.9±8.0 years (р>0.05), average experience - 18.2±4.7years, р>0.05). Both groups were matched for gender and socio-economic characteristics. The examination program included the occupational conditions’ analysis, evaluation of prior occupational risk, survey on lifestyle factors, clinical, laboratory, functional survey. Due to the obtained results 4 risk groups have been formed for dispensary observation with consideration of the developed recommendations. Introduction of the personalized preventive and targeted rehabilitation programmes allow us to achieve positive results in maintaining the health of workers occupied in oil industry.


Diseases of the circulatory system, risk groups, petroleum refinery

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147227049   |   DOI: 10.17072/1994-9952-2018-4-409-414

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