Approaches to human resource management in the arctic zone of Russia and circumpolar countries of Europe

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The article presents an overview of approaches to human resource management in the Arctic zone of Russia and the circumpolar countries of Europe. The importance of high-quality human resources for the sustainable development of the circumpolar zone of Russia is considered, modern human resource management practices in Russia and European countries with territories beyond the Arctic circle are studied. All these countries need to attract, motivate, improve the skills and control the working staff. At the same time, their approaches to human resource management are not the same. The main differences are due to cultural factors, peculiarities of legislation, the economic situation in the country, the system of relations with employees, etc.


Human resources, management, enterprises, arctic, living conditions, mentality, personnel, Russia, circumpolar countries

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IDR: 149145630   |   DOI: 10.19110/1994-5655-2024-4-26-34

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