Subsystem of physico-chemical reactors of mineralizing wastes for space application bio technical life support systems

Автор: Morozov Ye. A., Trifonov S.V., Saltykov M. Yu., Murygin A.V., Tikhomirov A.A.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.18, 2017 года.

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The Department of Closed Ecological Systems of Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology together with the Institute of Biophysics SB RAS are developing the artificial high-performance physicochemical link of the decomposers for bio technical life support systems for space applications, in particular for the forthcoming experiment BIOS-4 with a crew of 3 people. The physicochemical processing of waste is required because of the very large buffer capacities thus masses for orbital launching of many natural components comprising the biological waste treatment links. A subsystem of physicochemical reactors for the processing of wastes into fertilizers for cultivating edible plants on hydroponics is being periodically improved. Different versions of the similar functional links with dif- ferent characteristics are being developed in parallel. The subject of the article is the subsystem of physical-chemical rectors of organic waste processing in the bio technical life support system BIOS-4. The aim is to present the review of peculiarities of the development of the organic wastes treatment physical-chemical reactors subsystem based on “wet combustion” method, as well as its automation and computer monitoring of the process flow parameters. The consid- ered technological subsystem of organic wastes treatment into fertilizers applied to space application closed ecosystems comprises the reactors of “wet combustion”, urea decomposition, and H2O2 synthesis. The authors develop a united interface of collecting data of the reactors operation parameters, and the reactor’s automation control system. Techni- cal details of the ongoing, developed and projected processes are presented. A holistic view has been given of the physical-chemical reactors waste processing link at the BIOS-4 experimental facility today. To date, existing installa- tions or conceptual solutions for their development, including automation, are presented for all the main links of the technological chain of waste processing with reference to the bio technical life support systems for space purposes, and their optimization and experimental verification are carried out.


Human spaceflight, closed life support systems, turnover, technological processes, waste treatment, fertilizers, automation

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IDR: 148177738

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