Burial dating from new time site Us-oba in the valley Tabat river (Khakassia)

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Purpose :The article analyzes the main events in the history of studying burial sites of the indigenous population in the Russian Minusinsk hollow Siberian archaeological science. We investigate the results of previous studies of late medieval burials in Southern Siberia during XVIII-XX centuries. Results : In the previous research, scientists were able to fix the important features of the funeral rites peculiar to different ethnic groups of indigenous people living in the territory Minusinsk hollow. The article provides a detailed description of the group burials Us-Oba excavated archaeological detachment in southern Siberian in Tabat river valley during fieldwork in 1988. On this burial site was excavated by two burial rite inhumation in log decks, covered wooden covers and panels with birch bark. The deck is placed inside the body of the dead, clothing, utensils, spoons, an ax, knife and crucifix. According to the results of thestudy features gravestones and structures inside graves of burial rites and the accompanying inventory of this group of graves made ethnocultural attribution burial site Us-Oba. Burial, studied as part of this object, identified as belonging to the ethnic group Koibal. After joining Minusinsk hollow to the Russian State Koibals tribes lived in the valley. Abakan and the foothills of the Sayan Mountains. Analyzes accompanying inventory of items excavated graves, among which there iron axe with lugs, metal spoon and a bronze crucifix, which correspond to the products of Russian origin. Among the items found was an iron knife with a wooden stick in a wooden sheath, iron rectangular buckle, fragments of wooden utensils, wooden and metal spoons, and birch cylindrical tubes. Findings are considered subjects of the Russian production of other, previously studied in the valley Tabat funerary object related to different groups of indigenous Minusinsk hollow period ethnographic present. Among the items discovered in the funerary object of different ethnic groups, excavated during the 1980s in the valley Tabat (Khakassia) in the south, were similar, detected in one of the graves object Us-Oba, iron axes with lugs Russian production, which are purchased in large quantities and are actively used by the local population, not only in economic, but also for military purposes. Conclusion : Finds bronze crucifix found in both graves object Us-Oba committed to traditional canons of the pagan funeral rites, indicate the beginning of the process of the Christianization of the indigenous population after joining the southern steppe regions to the Russian state.


Minusinsk hollow, indigenous population, ethnic group, burial, russian production, funeral rites

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219155

IDR: 147219155

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