Search for methods of bio-treatment of oil and drilling wastes

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In connection with the increase in the negative technogenic impact of oil refining and oil production enterprises on the environment, the purpose of this work was to study the physical and chemical composition of oil industry waste, the study of the main methods of their utilisation and processing. As a result of the study it became clear that the inclusion of biotechnological method of utilisation is quite promising, although this method has not received wide practical application due to insufficient study. Identification of oil destructor organisms. Biological methods of soil and water purification from contamination in the domestic scientific literature devoted to environmental protection measures, increasingly began to denote the term ‘bioremediation’, which is generally recognised in foreign terminology. Bioremediation includes a set of technologies and devices designed for biological treatment of soils and water bodies, i.e. the use of biochemical potential of indigenous, adapted or modified biological systems, primarily microorganisms, for degradation or detoxification of pollutants. In foreign science, 6 types of environmental clean-up technologies based on biotechnological methods are currently identified: 1) Bioremediation - general (Bioremediation - General); 2) Bioremediation - In situ ground water (Bioremediation - In situ ground water); 3) Bioremediation - In situ soil (Bioremediation - In situ soil); 4) Bioremediation - in liquid phase (slurry) (Bioremediation - Slurr y phase); 5) Bioremediation - in solid phase (Bioremediation - Solid phase); 6) Bioventing. The development of soil and water bioremediation technologies using microorganisms is based on three main principles: in situ biostimulation (biostimulation at the site of pollution), in vitro biostimulation and bioaugmentation.


Oil sludge, drilling mud, stabilizer, polymer, biotechnological method

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205729   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-1-193-201

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