The search for the best way of drug testing: legitimacy, legality and efficiency

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One of the priorities of the anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation is the measures aimed at reducing the demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Prevention of drug addiction among young people is especially important. The adoption of amendments to the existing legislation is the result of searching for the best way of preventive care of drug users among students of educational institutions. Students testing in educational institutions is regarded as one of the preventive measures to ensure a comprehensive drug safety system. However, this preventive system is just being formed. The question of active involvement of civil society institutions to solve such problems remains actual. The author reviews the issues of the legal regulation of testing, analyzes different points of view on its legitimacy and effectiveness. The conclusions are formulated to improve this mechanism of preventive measures.


Prevention, survey, rights protection, tuberculosis, deviant behavior, minors, non-profit organization, rehabilitatio, addiction

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IDR: 142233787

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