The poetics of the chronotope in "Winter notes on summer impressions" by Dostoevsky

Автор: Zakharov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Журнал: Проблемы исторической поэтики @poetica-pro

Статья в выпуске: т.11, 2013 года.

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During the summer of 1862, Dostoevsky made his first trip abroad across Europe. This journey was reflected in his feuilleton Winter Notes on Summer Impressions (1863), as well as in the memoirs and letters of the author and other persons. In some cases one can describe the trip of Dostoevsky not only day by day, but hour by hour. The literary chronotope is very different from the real journey. Dostoevsky only designated the facts: he described his thoughts during travels, made occasional travel notes, recounted in detail about his Paris and Tondon impressions, and concealed his visit to Herzen and philosophical dispute with Strakhov. There are no «tourist» descriptions in Winter Notes. The narrative develops in two dimensions of time and space: in «summer» and «winter», in Europe and Russia, in London- Paris and Petersburg, in «European» and «Russian» Europe. The key problem of Winter Notes is the problem of the «Russian attitude» to Europe, which is interpreted as the problem of the choice of Russia's historical path. Dostoevsky created a satirical image of bourgeois Europe. The author offered an alternative to the principles of 1789. His pathos is determined by Christian sermon. Dostoevsky was hoping that the outcome of the Russian way was in adherence to the Sermon on the Mount.


Dostoevsky, bakhtin, journey, essay, feuilleton, poetics of the genre, chronotope, paradox, christian sermon

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