Poetry of Kyrgyz migrants: reflection of longing and problems outside the homeland

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One of the important manifestations of cultural innovations presented by migrant workers is poetry in national languages. This article analyzes emigrant poetry in the Kyrgyz language, which is becoming increasingly popular in Kyrgyz society. These poets often express their homesickness and talk about the problems they face abroad. Their works reflect the social trends and opinions of migrants, and emigrant poetry can be considered as an indicator of the situation in the field of labor migration. However, insufficient attention is paid to this topic in Kyrgyzstan, and the presented work is the first attempt to analyze migrant poetry in the Kyrgyz language.


Emigrant poets, emigrant poetry, labor migration, kyrgyz language, Russia

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207208

IDR: 170207208   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-151-154

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