Political stability of the Latin American region in the context of the politicization of religious institution

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Introduction. The research topicality is determined by the necessity of interior political proving of regions stable development in the conditions of religion institute politicization in 20th - 21st centuries. The purpose of the work is to analyze the influence of the confessional factor on the domestic political process in the Latin American region in the context of global trends of our time. Methods. The work uses methods of theoretical and applied political science analysis, methods of forecasting and modeling. The methodological basis of the work was the principles of systemic and constructivist approaches. Analysis. In the result of political science analysis of stable social and political issues development questions the explicative model of religion institute politicization processes influence to the sustainability of the Latin American region was offered. The theoretical importance of the research is in the reasons and tendenciesrevealing ofreligion institute politicization in the Latin American region. The practical importance of research is determined by the possibility of recommendation output of interior political support of the Latin American region in the conditions of social and cultural uncertainty. Authors’ contribution. E.V. Efanova - the concept of the study, collection and processing of materials; E.M. Drinova - research methodology, writing of the main text; N.Yu. Veremeev - analysis and translation of foreign sources.


Stability, political stability, latin american region, religion politicization, religion politicization topos

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149141666

IDR: 149141666   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2022.5.11

Список литературы Political stability of the Latin American region in the context of the politicization of religious institution

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