Political oratory

Автор: Gelevski Simeon

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 1-2 vol.25, 2008 года.

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Political oratory is a branch of rhetoric. Every branch of this complex discipline contains it's elements. Rhetoric has developed under politics and is still under its veil. Every political and social process is based on an idea expressed in oratory. Rhetoric is of great importance for democracy. It is anchored on convictions and free decision making. This is reciprocal relationship, because only in democratic atmosphere oratory may have its full expression without fear from the punishment for the uttered words. There is a dilemma whether it is a science, a skill or an art. Predominate opinion is that it is a discipline that has elements of art, yet is also a science. However, personal talent, and special inspiration are very important. Political oratory is irreplaceable political tool. Without oratory politics would become impossible. Since it is an agitator, a leader and an inspiration, all the social process would be senseless.


Rhetoric, religion, democracy, society, politics, law, movements, leader, psychology, masses, mass media

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203735

IDR: 170203735

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