Political and legal doctrines of Niccolo Machiavelli

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One of the most famous thinkers of the Renaissance, Niccolò Machiavelli, has ambivalent reputation, on the one hand, he can be cited as an example of how the state should be managed, and on the other hand, he can be called a cynical politician who might, if necessary, overstep morality boundaries and use any means to achieve his goals. Machiavelli opposed feudal fragmentation, which hampered the development of industry and commerce; he was for the creation of a single political organization. He hated everything weakening the state and destroying its integrity. He praised everything that contributed to the growth of the state, strengthening its unity, expanding its borders. Until the end of his life Machiavelli remained a professional in the field of politics, despite the fact that he was often criticized for his ideas and views.


Niccolò machiavelli, sovereign, renaissance, state, thinker, politics, law

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