Manufacturing biodegradable composite materials based on polyethylene and functionalized by alcoholysis of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer

Автор: Shabarin Aleksandr A., Vodyakov Vladimir N.

Журнал: Инженерные технологии и системы @vestnik-mrsu

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2016 года.

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Introduction. The continuous growth of production and consumption of plastic packaging creates a serious problem of disposal of package. This problem has ecological character, because the contents of the landfills decompose for decades, emit toxic compounds and pollute the environment. The work is devoted to obtaining and investigation mechanical and rheological properties of biodegradable composite materials based on polyethylene and starch. Materials and Methods. In this work the author used polyethylene grade HDPE 27383 (GOST 16338-85), Sevilen brand 12206-007 (TU 6-05-1636-97) and potato starch (GOST 53876-2010) as a filler. Functionalization of sevilen was carried in the 30 % ethanol solution KOH at a temperature 80 °C during 3 hours. Compounding components was carried out at the laboratory of the two rotary mixer HAAKE PolyLab Rheomix 600 OS with rotors Banbury. Formation of plates for elastic strength and rheological studies were carried out on a hydraulic press Gibitre. Elastic and strength tests were carried out on the tensile machine the UAI-7000 M. Rheology tests were carried out on the rheometer Haake MARS III. The humidity filler (starch) authors determined by the thermogravimetric method on the analyzer of moisture "Evlas-2M". Results. It is shown, that the filler should not contain more than 7% moisture. Functionalization of ethylene with vinyl acetate copolymer (sevilen) has performed by the method of alkaline alcoholysis. By the method of IC - spectroscopy the authors confirmed the presence of hydroxyl groups in the polymer. Using as a compatibilizer functionalized by the method of alcoholises has greatly ( significantly) improved physical, mechanical and rheological properties of composite materials. Optimal content of sevilen (F) in the compound according to the results of experiments amount 10 %. Discussion and Conclusions. Using of functionalized by the method of alcoholysis ethy-lene-vinyl acetate copolymer as a compatibilizer can significantly improve the physical, mechanical and rheological properties of biodegradable composite materials and offers the posibilities of using more cheaper starchy fillers - wastes of agriculture and food industry.


Biodegradability, biodegradable materials, polyethylene, sevilen, starch, functionalized sevilen

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14720213   |   DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.026.201602.259-268

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