Collecting and using grape extract as a colorant in cosmetic products

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The paper presents the results of studies on the extraction of biologically active substances, the flavonoids primarily, from grapes Vitis Vinifera Isabella. The researchers have studied the biochemical composition of whole grapes, as well as their parts (peel, pulp, bone) and have shown that the most amount of flavonoids are found in grape seeds, while most coloring agents are contained in the peel. To be competitive, modern cosmetic products should provide a quick visible effect, be attractive, but also contain preferably natural biologically active substances, which stimulate metabolism and reparative functions of the human skin. The increasing interest of cosmetic producers and consumers to the natural ingredients is associated with both strict limitation in terms of synthetic compounds, and the producers’ desire to make their product more “natural”. The research shows that the demand for “green cosmetics” in Europe has been constantly growing over the past decade...


Flavonoids, extraction, grape extract, biologically active substances, natural colorants, consmetic products

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14116867

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