Preparation of a complex organic-mineral additive based on phloroglucinol-furfural oligomers and silicon dioxide nanoparticles
Автор: Starchenko S.A., Poluektova V.A., Shapovalov N.A., Kozhanova E.P.
Журнал: Нанотехнологии в строительстве: научный интернет-журнал @nanobuild
Рубрика: Применение наноматериалов и нанотехнологий в строительстве
Статья в выпуске: 5 т.16, 2024 года.
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Introduction. The production of plasticizing additives using nanoparticles for the construction industry represents a promising sector in the development of advanced building materials. By incorporating nanoparticles, such as silicon dioxide, into complex additives, it is possible to significantly enhance the structural and mechanical characteristics of cement-based systems, resulting in increased strength, durability, and resistance to external forces. This study aims to investigate the process of synthesizing silicon dioxide nanoparticles in aqueous media and creating a complex organic-mineral additive comprising phloroglucinolfurfural oligomers with silicon dioxide nanoparticles. Materials and methods of research. A modifier based on phloroglucinol-furfural oligomers was used as an organic component of the complex additive. To synthesize silicon dioxide nanoparticles, which are the mineral component of the additive, liquid glass (sodium silicate solution) was used. Additionally, Aerosil, with a specific surface area of 2,000 m3/kg, was used as the dispersed phase in the organic mineral additive to study the compatibility of the components and the mechanism of their interaction. The particle and size distribution were determined using laser light diffraction on the Malvern Mastersizer 3000 device and dynamic light scattering on the Microtrac S3500 device. Microscopic analysis of the complex additive was performed on a TESCAN MIRA 3 LMU scanning electron microscope. The chemical structure and composition of the obtained additive were monitored by UV and IR spectrophotometry on Specord 200 Plus and Alpha Bruker Optics devices, respectively. Results and discussion. The article presents the results of the development of a method for the synthesis of silicon dioxide nanoparticles and creating an organic-mineral additive based on phloroglucinol-furfural oligomers containing these nanoparticles. The additive is designed for use in mineral suspensions in construction additive technologies. It has been shown that it is possible to obtain nanoscale particles of silicon dioxide through the hydrolysis of sodium silicate. It has been demonstrated that as the concentration of sodium silicate increases, the number of silica particles increases significantly, the number of silicon dioxide particles increases significantly. This leads to faster coagulation of the particles, resulting in the formation of larger aggregates. It has been shown that silicon dioxide particles smaller than 10 nm can be obtained through acid titration. During the maturation period, particles increase in size by about 7 times over a period of 1 to 7 days. The optimal ratio for particle synthesis should be considered to be a 2:1 ratio of reagent solutions (sodium silicate to hydrochloric acid) by volume. It is shown that the introduction of the specific additive at the stage of particle formation can help to stabilize their growth.
Dispersed systems, nanomodification, aggregative stability, modifier, nanoparticles, silicon dioxide, sio2, differential distribution, sol - gel method, coagulation
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 142243182 | DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2024-16-5-447-462