Obtaining an organic product the property of blofertilization by bioconversion of bird litter

Автор: Petrova Galina V., Burakaeva Aygul D., Sorokun Sergey V., Shishkin Alexander P.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2020 года.

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The work investigated the possibility of using a bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis 534, a producer of a sporobacterin preparation for disinfection and processing of fresh poultry manure into biofertilizers.The bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis 534 on the liquid fraction of the manure and drainage waters of a poultry enterprise showed the ability to biosynthesize a complex of hydrolytic enzymes. Amylolytic, proteolytic, cellulolytic and lipolytic activity was detected after 24 hours of culture growth.The strain showed antagonistic properties against: Escherichia coli K12 (ATCC® 25922™), Escherichia coli Type 354, Staphylococcus aureus 209P (ATCC® 6538™),Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula(ATCC® 27853™), PseudomonasfluorescensARCIMB-350, PseudomonasputidaCM MSU 95, Candida Albicans 5ch Gr. Cultivation of the Bacillus subtilis 534 strain on the liquid fraction in aerobic bioreactors made it possible to improve the indicators of liquid waste from the poultry farm.Semi-liquid and solid fractions of poultry manure with a total microbial number (TMC) of 9 * 106 CFU / ml and a col-titer of ≥0.001 ml were treated with a suspension of the culture of Basillussubtilis 534 at the rate of 1 billion cells per 1 ton of poultry manure on a platform equipped with feed channels at the bottom air and after further processing of the manure into biofertilizer for 15 days, the resulting organic product was a homogeneous homogeneous loose mass of light brown color without a pungent ammonia odor.The organic product met the requirements of GOST 12038-84.The effectiveness of the obtained organic product was tested during the cultivation of the regionalized variety of chickpea "Krasnokutsky-36" in laboratory and field conditions.The organic product had a stimulating effect on the growth and development of chickpea plants and helped to increase yields.The Bacillus subtilis 534 strain was previously known only as a producer of the probiotic sporobacterin, in order to disinfect and dispose of poultry manure and to obtain an organic product on its basis with biofertilizerproperties, has not been previously used.


Bacillus subtilis, sporobacterin producer, processing of poultry manure, disinfection of poultry manure, organic product, biofertilizer

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140250609

IDR: 140250609   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-12-90-95

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