Polyaminipolyphosphonates and polyaminopolycarbonoates (that are chelators) in mission of inhibiting of microbiological corrosion with Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

Автор: Sikachina Andrei

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Химические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (19), 2017 года.

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In this paper, the process of adsorption of organic compounds of the polyaminopolyphosphonates and polyaminopolyсarbonoates (chelators or complexones) class on iron (available in steel St3S (Poland) 97%) is modeled using the HyperChem package version 8.0.7 using the semi-empirical ZINDO / 1 method. The structures of chelators (“complexones”) for the study were chosen so that the sequential complication of the molecular structure could be traced. Such an approach, as will be shown below, accurately reflects the process of corrosion protection with bacterial content by chemisorption of an organic compound on the metal surface to form a complex compound. In the course of the study, the compositions of the complexes obtained, the energies of the boundary orbitals, and a graph depicting the dependence of the charge density on the iron atom on the component of the corrosion rate that is due to chemisorption effects were obtained and analyzed. On the graph there are equations of lines.


Nta, edta, atmp, edtmp, corrosion rate, sulfate-reducing bacteria, hydrogen sulfide corrosion, chemical adsorption, st3s steel, iron, partial effective charges, molecule rigidity, electronegativity, global electrophilicity, composition of complex compounds


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14111631

IDR: 14111631   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.808189

Список литературы Polyaminipolyphosphonates and polyaminopolycarbonoates (that are chelators) in mission of inhibiting of microbiological corrosion with Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

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