The immunity of non-coherent and coherent reception of a signal DQPSK in the conditions of influence of PSK, a harmonic interference or Gaussian noise

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By the method of making the indicators of output elements obtained according to the average probability of correct reception in optimum incoherent receiving-solver symbol and binary element no fading DQPSK signal when exposed to PSK or harmonic interference from the signal-to-noise ratio. The analysis of these dependencies and comparison of optimal noise immunity of incoherent and coherent of receivers with DQPSK signal with PSK, a harmonic interference and Gaussian noise.

Dqpsk signal, optimal incoherent receiving-solver, psk, harmonic interference, gaussian noise, probabilistic-surface indicators of reliability of signal reception

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IDR: 146115197   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2017-10-2-260-270

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