Assistance from Bashkiria in the restoration of Stalingrad

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The article is devoted to the consequences of the Great Patriotic War for the city of Stalingrad, which was almost completely destroyed. The restoration of the city began while fighting was still going on there. All regions of the USSR, including Bashkiria, took part in the unfolding nationwide movement to provide assistance to the city. Despite the existing difficulties in the context of the ongoing war, the autonomous republic took all necessary assistance measures to restore the city and its economy. The author examines the participation of Bashkiria in the implementation of the important task of restoring Stalingrad; the study is based on documentary materials and published sources, using methods and approaches generally accepted in historical science. The author reveals various forms and methods of assistance to the city and its residents not only during the war, but also in the post-war years, analyzes the organizational and practical activities of local authorities. Particular attention is paid to the participation of Komsomol members and youth, as well as the difficulties they had to face during the restoration of the city. The study allowed us to conclude that Bashkiria, together with other regions of the country, completed a responsible task and made a significant contribution to the restoration of the hero city of Stalingrad.


Great patriotic war, restoration of stalingrad, assistance, bashkiria

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328576   |   DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2024-6-1-94-102

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