Understanding a foreign culture as a factor of development of dialogical relations

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Article is devoted to the phenomenon of cultural polyphony causing complexity of the translation of national specifics of languages of culture on others. It is noted that understanding the foreign cultures has problem character today for a variety of reasons among which there is an originality of cultural codes, world outlook symbols, superficiality of perception of foreign-language texts, a problem of adequate assessment of achievements and the, and other cultures. From here all importance and prospects of the principle of “integration-empathy” of people of a different nationality in semantic fabric and symbolics of other culture. Among the cultural forms promoting productive understanding the foreign cultures is called such esthetic forms of international communication as festivals and competitions of various look and genre, art exhibitions, joint experiments. The conclusion is drawn that culture of understanding of specifics the foreign of norms, samples and values - one of factors of improvement of the dialogical relations between the countries and the people at which degree of a psychological and political tension decreases.


Dialogue, value approach to understanding the culture, dialogue of national cultures, national art, humanism, foreign culture

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160641

IDR: 144160641

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