The concept ‘husband’ and its reflection in the dialectological atlas of Uralic languages spoken on territory of Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrug

Автор: Koshkareva N.B., Kashkin E.V., Kazakevich O.A., Burkova S.I., Budyanskaya E.M., Muravyov N.A., Koryakov Yu. B.

Журнал: Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология @historyphilology

Рубрика: Языкознание

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2017 года.

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The article analyzes the principles of naming of certain types of familial relations using the concept ‘husband’ (a married man) as example, as well as means of application of semantic characteristics relevant to their naming to linguistic maps. Differences in terms are caused by types of familial relation systems - descriptive or classificatory. We discovered the following basic strategies for the naming of the concept ‘husband’: 1) transfer of meaning: physical realm (gender) → social realm (acquired kinship): ‘man → husband’; 2) transfer of meaning: physical realm (gender and age) → social realm (acquired kinship): ‘old man → husband’; 3) transfer of meaning: social realm (friendly communication) → social realm (acquired kinship): ‘friend → husband’. In the Khanty language, the basic strategy of transfer is the ‘man → husband’ model; however, the ‘friend → husband’ transfer is also possible. In Nenets, the basic strategy is ‘old man → husband’, while the ‘man → husband’ and (less frequently) ‘friend → husband’ strategies are peripheral. In Selkup, all listed strategies can be observed, however, the last one is peripheral: ‘man → husband’, ‘old man → husband’, ‘friend → husband’ (the latter is only observed in Purovskaya Tolka and Bystrinka). In Komi-Zyrian, several strategies are used varying between areals: ‘man → husband’ (everywhere), ‘old man → husband’ (Kharsaim, Samburg), ‘friend → husband’ (Muzhi, Vosyakhovo, Beloyarsk, Kharsaim, Samburg). The basic strategy of the Samoyed languages is the usage of lexemes denoting middle-aged or elderly male persons with regards to their age to denote acquired kinship. A typical Nenets meaning transfer is ‘old man → husband’, in Selkup it is ‘man → husband’ and ‘old man → husband’, although other types of figurative meaning development according to the model ‘friend → husband’ are also possible. The Komi-Zyrian language is unique, which is explained by its relatively recent emergence at this territory and movement through territories populated by other peoples. Innovations in various regions of its distribution are caused by contacts with various languages with varying principles of kinship terminology organization. In places where it comes in contact with Khanty, figurative meanings develop according to the classificatory type of kinship terminology (usage of the word мужык as ‘husband’ becomes possible), whereas in the zone of interaction with the Nenets language, the Samoyed ‘old man’ model is activated. In other contact zones, mostly peripheral ones (Khanty and Nenets, Khanty and Selkup), similar processes take place.


Siberian uralic languages, khanty language, nenets language, selkup language, komi-zyrian language, kinship terminology, terms of acquired kinship, semantic maps, loanwords

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IDR: 147219737

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